After my desperate plea for sanity last night I woke up to be taunted by Rollie, our miniature horse. He and Wriggley have been quite fiesty at mealtimes, and have literally been giving me a run for no money each time for about a week. Today Rollie decided to toodle out onto the road, where a kindly neighbour tried to help me out to catch him, but we were unsuccessful. Eventually the stupid thing went up the road and into our landlord's field, where I chased him for a while, then left him to get some fresh greens. When I was calmed down, and him too, I begrudgingly offered him some oats, and lured him back into our field again...
Once I was settled down from that, I did a bit of office work for Tim. He's taking a few woodworking items to Prince Rupert to try to sell on consignment, with a touring business there. We had been to their office/showroom last week and heard they took local work on consignment. Tim left shortly afterwards, and should be home later this evening.
It was after this that I got a phone call from our friend, Rick Apperson, who is in charge of the Smithers and Houston Salvation Army, and he also authors one of my favorite blogs-Just A Thought. It was a barely audible cell phone conversation, but from what I understood he was offering me a position at the Thrift Store. After another conversation with him, finding out some details, I quickly called my manager at Extra Foods, who was unable to match the wages I was being offered at the Thrift Store, and so I gave her a week's notice.
This was totally unforseen by me, but I believe that someone's prayers were answered! I begin my Tuesday through Friday (12:30 - 4:30) shifts and Saturday (9:30 - 4:30) shift on Tuesday, August 2nd! Unreal! No more evenings, no early mornings, 2 days off together, no stats, and no Sundays... I am indeed blessed.
Thank you all, for being with me (virtually or in real life) through my journey. I couldn't have done it without you.
So, I've pretty much given you my FIVE GOOD THINGS (listed above).
Hope your day goes well too.