Thursday, September 09, 2010

I'm So Glad We Had This Time Together...

Life's good, but I've just not been able to write.  I'm thinkin' maybe it's time to pack this puppy in... not forever, but for now... so, if you've been faithfully checking in to see if I've updated anything, it may be a while.  Thanks for hangin' with me.  But for now, ... "it's the time we have to say "goodbye".



Hope said...

It was encouraging to read your entries ... It is good to hear that 'life is good' - Trust it continues this way - and you are out there sucking each day of its juices - rather than being stuck in cyberspace. Take care....

bcsmithereens said...

Thanks Hope. I still wish I could feel like life is great, but for now GOOD is as good as it gets. Enjoy your weekend.

Martine said...

Sorry to hear that you're quitting for now, i enjoyed your entries, but if that's not you now, then that's just the way it has to be. Much strength as you enjoy life as it is! Hugs!

Rick Apperson said...

I will miss reading your blog. Thanks for being open and real!

Anonymous said...

I go through spurts these days on my blog too. Maybe a vacation might help. :)

bcsmithereens said...

Thanks Martine, Rick, and Angela... a vacation.......... that would be wonderful!

Laurel said...

I, too, will miss your blogs, Dawn, but please keep us up-to-date on fb, just a short note so I know how to pray!! :) Thanks. God bless you all.

Northern Living Allowance said...

Aw! I'm sorry you're leaving us, but I understand. I hope you'll be back when the time is right. Take care, Dawn. Look me up on FB... :)

Jane said...

I will miss your blogs. I'm glad we got a chance to get to know each other. I hope life treats you well and our paths cross again someday. Bless you!

bcsmithereens said...

Thanks NLA & Jane! I don't think the goodbye is forever, just for now. Take 'er easy!